
The 本笃会的大学 School of Engineering has a unique quality of attracting of Student Athletes. Of over 200 total students currently enrolled in engineering, many are varsity athletes. Among the Athletic Departments which have students pursuing an Engineering degree are: Football, 棒球, 篮球, 排球, Track, 越野, 足球, 和舞蹈.



2021届的一员, 基南理解学生运动员面临的挑战, 评论, “I think it seems very intimidating going into a major with such a heavy course load and splitting your time with a sport.然而,他知道这是一个可以克服的挑战. “经常被忽视的是, 成为一名大学运动员, you have already learned to balance your time and work hard to do well in your classes and get all of your 作业 done,他解释道.

作为一名时间有限的机械工程专业学生, 基南强调, “You know that you need to get as much done in that time as you can.他描述了自己的一个策略, “My advice is to knock out as much as you can any time you have an hour or two free, then chip away at smaller 作业 when you only have a little time to work.”

许多团队安排学习表和练习. Graef鼓励, “如果你坐下来,在学习桌上保持专注, you will have more than enough time to finish everything you have.”

基南的结论? “I think that doing both 体育运动 and academics here at BC is extremely doable if you are willing to put in the effort.”

利亚姆·莫雷尔:越野 & Track

Liam Morel from the class of 2021 is pursuing minors in mathematics and philosophy in addition to his Mechanical Engineering major. 他解释说, “I was looking for a rigorous course load going into college and that is exactly what I received as an engineering student.” Liam came from a home based education to the 本笃会的大学 engineering program, 哪个是“令人满意的挑战”.”

越野训练, 就像许多其他球队一样, 是不是每天下午4点开始工作两个小时. For Morel, practice is “a great way to release after classes are through for the day.” Many students not in sports struggle to make use of this time between classes and dinner, 莫雷尔笔记, “我不觉得我错过了太多.”

社区, 本尼迪克特学院的标志之一, 提供一个支持和鼓励的网络. 利亚姆描述了, “The team held me accountable on and off the track while my fellow students were in the trenches of homework with me just trying to survive together.” As a result, he explains, “This kind of interaction formed relationships and was very beneficial.”

“有时候,这种严苛让人感到难以承受, 但回头看, I think many people could be successful as an engineering student and an athlete at 本笃会的大学.他鼓励道, “It is very gratifying to look back at how much you have grown after a year of tough academics and three seasons of training and competing! 我很幸运能成为一名学生运动员,瑞雯!”


汉娜Thomazin, 2020届机械工程专业毕业生, 发现做一项运动经常帮助她作为一个学生. “If I’m stuck on a homework problem or am having trouble in class, 我可以去练习一下,暂时不去想它. 练习之后, 我已经准备好再解决任何问题了, 事情变得更加清晰,她解释道.

Hannah knows that pursuing an engineering degree while competing at the collegiate level isn’t easy, 但需要纪律和时间管理. 保持课堂秩序, 作业, 实践, 和游戏, 她说, “I have my entire day scheduled out in my Google Calendar so I know what I need to be doing and when.” She has also taken summer classes to lighten her credit load during the season.

作为一名学生运动员学习工程学可能很难, but Hannah thinks that the returns are definitely worth the effort. 她的结论是, 最后, I’ll have a solid degree that will help me have a good job plus I got to play a sport that I love with girls that became part of my family.”


2020届土木工程专业毕业生, David Breda knows that being an engineering student athlete can be intimidating. “Studying engineering while playing a sport sounds a lot scarier than it really is. 这都是时间管理的问题,”他解释道.

理解平衡的必要性, 大卫建议, “Work on your homework and 作业 in the morning or in between classes so you can be done before practice. 这样练习后你就可以放松了.”

Breda also addresses the potential conflict between 体育运动 and academics: “Another important key to success is developing strong relationships with your professors so if you have to miss class for games or what not, 事情可以解决,你可以得到你需要的帮助.”


格雷格·丹纳:越野 & Track

作为一名2015级的机械工程专业学生, Danner was brought to engineering by an interest in automotive engineering. “I worked at a distribution company and traveled around to many manufacturing plants which piqued my interest in engineering even more.”

而高级越野 & 追踪者, Greg Danner held to a strict schedule to make sure that there was time for academics, 体育运动, 还有空闲时间. “I balance a varsity sport and engineering by staying very organized and focused and keeping myself on a tight schedule,他说. Something especially important for an athlete with limited time, Danner understood how to study: “Study with a small group of friends. 聪明地学习,不要过度学习. Getting sleep is usually more important than cramming all night, 尤其是当你的身体因为训练而疲惫不堪的时候.”


科里憔悴, 来自2015届毕业生, 有一个非常繁忙的日程安排和描述, “I have to give up hanging out with friends much during the week because there is no time. I basically wake up, go to class, go to soccer, eat, homework/study and then back to bed.”

冈特不喜欢拿走任何东西, but “…I worry about soccer during soccer time and engineering during school time.” He liked to study with a small group of people with whom he shared most of his classes.

Corey explained something that is true for all athletes in Engineering, “工程+体育=大量的奉献!”


2014届毕业生, Raymond Gragg explained how the coaches helped him balance a varsity sport and engineering, “这都是时间管理的问题. The coaches were a great asset instilling a since of time management for every second of a day. 如果你把每一天都当成一份工作, 计算你一天中所有的时间, 你将发展成功所需的技能.”

雷蒙德还强调了自由时间的重要性, “如果你做得太久,你会把自己累垮的. 学校不是短跑比赛,而是耐力赛. Luckily you have a chance each semester to take what you did correct before and build on it as well as fix what didn’t work.”

工程学的关键在于不断尝试, 解释雷蒙德, “工程学是一个很难学的专业, 如果你正在为此挣扎,不要失去希望. There are professors and other students that want to help you. That’s what’s so great about a place like Benedictine, the small numbers give big support.”