Department of Architecture

本尼迪克特大学的专业预科建筑文学学士学位在建筑和相关领域开展职业生涯, 并为学生准备专业的学术学位和建筑执照.

Summer Intensive in Classical Architecture

This summer, we are excited to offer a 2-Week Intensive in Classical Architecture. In July 2024, 在项目总监的个人指导下,体验我们独特的设计方法的能量.

除了建筑设计工作室的课程流之外,还有基础艺术课程, 互补的建筑绘图和水彩工作室, and essential engineering courses. 将这门课程与学院的文科教育联系起来的是建筑学和艺术史/理论课程,这些课程解释了艺术作品的意义, buildings, 把过去的地方作为对现在的指导. 在课程的中间点是在意大利的暑期留学.

“总是有必要重新开始这些工作, those foundations again in time, which are fragments of eternity, 并重新开始那些永恒的基础,其根源和规则是永恒的.” (Charles Péguy)


1. Catholic

若不是耶和华建造房屋、建造的人就枉然劳力. 若不是耶和华看守这城,看守的人看守也是枉然.” (Ps. 127)

As with human beings, 建筑物和城市的物理特性显示了什么是可以测量的,即使它们提供了传达意义的基础. However, the material attributes of natural, created things have a beauty, 它的奇妙吸引着我们走出自我,去了解他人的想法, to things and concepts that aren’t even visible. A beautiful building, like a city, provides a sense of home for us and our neighbors, 并能唤起我们对更丰富的现实的奇妙的沉思. As we are, in all things, called to glorify God, 建筑师和他或她的团体在创造美丽的建筑和地方时荣耀上帝.


What’s more, our architecture program is an inclusive, 为所有进入我们社区的人提供了一个繁荣的天堂,让他们能够管理好这些美丽的建筑传统.

因为上帝不只是在修补,不只是在恢复现状. 被救赎的人类要比未堕落的人类更光荣.” (C.S. Lewis, Miracles)

我们的课程借鉴并反过来加强了本尼迪克特学院的使命,即在信仰和学术的社区内教育男女. 本笃学院是一所肩负天主教使命的天主教学院, recognized and recommended by The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College 因为它在忠实的天主教教育方面表现出色.

2. Liberal Arts


“Neither natural ability without instruction, 没有天赋的教育造就不了完美的艺术家. Let them be educated, skillful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, 还要熟悉天文学和天体理论.” (Vitruvius, On Architecture)

3. Classical

艺术和建筑的经典经典源自范例作品,这些作品将灵魂注入自然形式的图形表现中. 绘制和再现古典元素的行为向学生介绍了更完整的建筑形式和特征. As with music, 只有通过大量的实践和洞察力的教育,学生们才能意识到建筑如何通过礼仪来感动人类的精神, harmony, dignity, propriety, and proportion and scale.

古典传统已经走到尽头了吗?它扼杀了独创性吗? In response to such concerns, architect Paul Philippe Cret wrote, “Let us dismiss this fear of not being original, 用这样的想法来安慰自己:真正伟大的建筑师总是那些最渴望从过去的教训中获益的人. 只有通过与标准的比较,我们才能判断自己的进步, and this implies some familiarity with standards.”


本尼迪克特的项目没有得到国家建筑认证委员会的认可.  Benedictine architecture students, however, have the same opportunities to continue, if they choose, at accredited graduate architecture programs.

较早的认证建筑课程是五年制专业建筑学士学位. 较新的认证建筑项目往往是两种形式的专业建筑太阳城官网:三年制太阳城官网.Arch. for a holder of an undergraduate degree with little or no architecture; more common are 4+2 curricula. 这些项目是一个为期四年的建筑学本科课程,在经过认证的两年制专业硕士课程中完成.Arch. degree. 

All this to say, 本笃会建筑学院的学生正在完成四年的本科课程, not unlike those in the 4+2 schools, 然后本笃会的学生可以申请同样的专业, accredited M.Arch. programs. 学生可以在本尼迪克特开始他们的专业建筑学位之旅,因为它的明确使命,然后, 能否在另一所院校完成太阳城官网.